My story
The artist behind RoosArt is Rosalie de Graaf
Rosalie de Graaf (1999) is a young artist from the Netherlands. Within a couple years she has become one of the biggest artists in the world of street art. RoosArt won the dutch Street Art Awards 2023 in the category ''People's favorite''. She's known for her huge (hyper)realistic wall paintings. RoosArt has painted around 200 murals all around the world. She also founded the first street art school in the Netherlands.
''I started making oil paintings at the age of fourteen years old and I haven't stop making art since. I mainly focus on making street art, teaching about street art at schools and giving workshops. I also make clothing, tattoo designs and more.
I do a lot of commissioned work for people, businesses and organisations. I decided to quit medicine and set my medical career completely aside. Making art is my passion. It's something that I want to give my undivided attention to. My mission is to travel around the world and leave my artistic footprint everywhere. I want to become a great artist and show other girls (and boys) that street art and graffiti is not only meant for men.
I had my first art exhibition in Holland in September 2018. In the same month I got nominated for the Street Art Awards Benelux 2018. I ended up in the top 5 of the category ''People's favorite'', a exciting achievement. I regulary appear in Dutch newspapers, radio and television shows. I got to travel to Asia and collaborated with big artists like Kenji Chai, who is one of the biggest street artists in Asia. I also did an art show in Bali together with Rony Indô, an French-Indonesian prince. I made two movies: one short film in Kuala Lumpur and one film in Bali. I do a lot of commissioned work for people and big businesses like Tele 2, van der Valk Hotel, Organon, Sigma Coatings, Heutink, Silo Art Tour, Elephant Parade and BP.
I won ''the Best Young Entrepreneur award 2019'' (the Netherlands). I also won the Bep van de Velden Award in 2021, a price for female entrepreneurs.
In May 2022 I started my own street art school: the RoosArt Academy! I teach people how to paint my way with my techniques in a big old warehouse in Doesburg, the Netherlands. It's amazing to share your passion with as many people as possible!
RoosArt is now a growing business and spreading around the world. Follow me on my journey by adding me on Instagram or Facebook @RoosArtPaintings.


the Dutch Street Art Awards 2023 in the category ''People's favorite''!

the ''Bep van de Velden'' award, a price for female entrepreneurship!

the ''Best Young entrepreneur'' award of the Netherlands!
other accomplishments

of a worldwide contest, best street art of the month april 2023!

a tattoo shop, the RoosArt tattoo studio!

the first street art school in the Netherlands: the RoosArt Academy!

of the Dutch Street Art Awards 2018 of category ''People's Favorite''!
TV Interview


kyra lankreijer
Dit is Kyra. Zij is sinds 2023 onderdeel van het RoosArt team en ondersteunt RoosArt bij de dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Kyra heeft vijf maanden stage gelopen bij RoosArt vanuit het Graafschap College in Doetinchem.Kyra werkt vooral met acrylverf en spuitbus en houdt van een strakke stijl. Na haar opleiding is Kyra een vaste kracht geworden bij RoosArt.
Opleiding: Mediavormgeving
Instagram: @kyralankreijerart

Jack duijnisveld
Dit is Jack. Hij is sinds 2023 onderdeel van het RoosArt team en ondersteunt RoosArt bij de dagelijkse werkzaamheden. Hij heeft 4 maanden stage gelopen bij RoosArt vanuit het Grafisch Lyceum In Rotterdam. Jack is gespecialiseerd in werken met airbrush, acrylverf en spuitbus.
Opleiding: Mediavormgeving
Instagram: @jacks.artisctic_world

maud lardinois
Dit is Maud. Zij is sinds 2022 onderdeel van het RoosArt team. Maud heeft vijf maanden stage gelopen vanuit Zuyd Hogeschool Maastricht.
Opleiding: Illustration.
Instagram: @maudlardinoisart
RoosArt is een erkend leerbedrijf voor verschillende creatieve opleidingen. Wij zijn elk half jaar op zoek naar nieuwe stagiaires.